Priest in Charge
Fr Chris Johnson
The Vicarage
Priory Gardens
CT20 1SW
07931 804952
Fr Chris’ usual day off is Friday – please see the latest pew sheet on the Weekly News page for any changes.
Parish Office
We are currently between Parish Administrators: please email, or call and leave a voice message, and we will respond as soon as we can.
St Mary & St Eanswythe Church
Church Street
CT20 1SE
01303 252947
If your enquiry is regarding a life event such as a christening, wedding, or funeral you can find out more and submit an enquiry online from our Life Events page, or for general enquiries you are welcome to use our contact form (but not for safeguarding issues when you should contact the Safeguarding Officer, details below):
Mr Tom Bertram 07748 434341 /
Mr Andrew Plested 01303 241124 /
Safeguarding Contacts:
Mr Tom Bertram, Safeguarding Lead: 07748 434341
Caroline Hayward, Safeguarding Officer: 07876 358918
You can send us an email about Safeguarding issues using the form below. This will be treated in strict confidence by the Safeguarding Officer and Churchwarden.
Our Location:
Church Street, Folkestone and Hythe, England, United Kingdom
We are proud to work in collaboration with these organisations around Folkestone and East Kent
The Sacconi Quartet and Sacconi Festival
Bayle Music
Folkestone Living Advent Calendar
Creative Folkestone
Folkestone Museum
Dave Walker Cartoons
We use Dave Walker’s cartoons under licence both on this web site and in Rendezvous magazine. You can find them all on many of them were first published in the
Church Times.
Web Site
For matters purely relating to this web site, eg content, broken links, or similar, please use the form below to contact the web site manager. For any general enquiries or parish/pastoral matters please contact the Parish Office using the details at the top of the page, and for any safeguarding issues please contact the Safeguarding Officer using the details above.