
The parish church of St Mary and St Eanswythe is situated in the heart of Folkestone. Christian worship has been offered in or near the church since the mid 7th Century when St Eanswythe founded her convent – the first religious house for women in England.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Church open?
The Church is always open on a Sunday morning.  Our main service starts at 10.30 am and lasts about an hour. The service is usually a sung Eucharist, using modern language, and we very much hope you will stay and have a chat over coffee with us afterwards. 

Regular service times are as follows:

Sunday Sung Eucharist (Common Worship) at 10.30 am.
Thursday Said Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) at 10.30 am.

The Church is usually open for visiting on Wednesdays to Saturdays from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. This is subject to availability of volunteer church welcomers. Currently, due to a shortage of volunteers we will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays until further notice. Please check the Weekly News page for any temporary changes to this pattern.

The church may occasionally be closed for visiting because of weddings or other services, or setting up for concerts or events. Please check with the Parish Office (contact details below) whether the church will be open if you want to visit on a specific day. 

On weekday feast days an evening Eucharist will take place, and the Church will be open on other occasions.  Please check the Weekly News for current opening times.

The office of Choral Evensong will be celebrated on some Sunday afternoons during the year: please check the weekly news for details.

The Parish Office, contactable on 01303 252947 or at sainteanswythe@gmail.com, can confirm church opening times. We are currently between parish secretaries: please email or call as usual and we will respond as soon as we can.

How do I join the Electoral Roll?
You can ask for an enrolment form at the church, or download it here SMSE Electoral Roll Enrolment to either return to the church by hand or post to the Electoral Roll Officer, St Mary & St Eanswythe Church, Church Street, Folkestone, CT20 1SE

Will it be okay to bring children to services?
Yes please! For moments when the goings-on seem too much, there is a children’s corner with books, puzzles and pages to colour which is well used and you are likely to find other children there on most occasions. Once a month we have a Children’s Church, see the next question for details.

Are there any services/events especially for children?
Your children are very welcome to participate in St Mary and St Eanswythe Children’s Church once a month.



You can also email Clare Tomlinson at cetomlinson1@gmail.com

Can I watch or listen to services online?
Please visit our Facebook and YouTube channels (links at the bottom of this page) for updates. Sunday Eucharist services will usually be streamed live on our Facebook page.

Can my group visit the church?
Tours of the church for groups between 10 and 20 in number can be arranged by contacting the Parish Office.

Can we get married in St Mary and St Eanswythe?
The Church of England website at www.churchofengland.org confirms that today more than a quarter of all marriages in England between a man and a woman take place in the traditional setting of a Church of England church. It also confirms that you are welcome to marry in church whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are baptised and whether or not you go to church.

For more information, and to make an enquiry online, please visit our Life Events page, otherwise you can all the Parish Office on 01303 252947 or email sainteanswythe@gmail.com to discuss your particular circumstances.

What about arranging for a Christening?
Everyone is welcome to have their children christened or baptised (the words have the same meaning) in their parish church and here at St Mary and St Eanswythe we look forward to talking to you about this. Young people and Adults who would like to be baptised are also warmly welcomed (there is no age limit).

For more information, and to make an enquiry online, please visit our Life Events page, otherwise you can all the Parish Office on 01303 252947 or email sainteanswythe@gmail.com to discuss your particular circumstances.

Who should I talk to about being confirmed?
St Mary and St Eanswythe is a church with a tradition that focuses on Eucharistic worship (services that are centred on the receiving of bread and wine).  If you would like to know more about this, talk to those around you as well as to the clergy. Each year some of the year 6 children from St Eanswythe C of E Primary School come forward for confirmation, a service in which the Bishop confirms the strengthening and deepening of faith through the renewed gift of the Holy Spirit. Adults come forward for confirmation too and are warmly welcomed. The Parish Office can advise when the next confirmation service will take place, please call on 01303 252947 or email sainteanswythe@gmail.com 

Can I hire the church for an event or concert?
Yes, the church is available to hire both during the daytime and evening. We also have our own grand piano which can be hired for concerts in the church. Please contact the Parish Office at 01303 252947 or sainteanswythe@gmail.com for more details. Please check the Weekly News page for times when you can telephone the office.

What other services or events take place in the Church?

St Mary and St Eanswythe have strong links with St Eanswythe’s C of E Primary School and welcome KS1 and KS2 (and for special services the whole School join us) for a morning Eucharist, times to be announced. On occasion, other Church schools join us e.g. at the Mayor’s Christmas Carol Service, for end of year leaving celebrations, at Easter or on Ascension Day.

Concerts take place frequently at the Parish Church (the building has excellent acoustics and is well tucked away from the traffic).  Please see the Weekly News for details of forthcoming concerts.

Details of classical concerts in Folkestone, including Bayle Music and the Sacconi Festival which mainly take place in the Church, can be found at https://www.soundsfolkestone.co.uk.

Hew Locke’s superb exhibition of ‘flying boats’ For those in Peril on the Sea graced the nave for an extended summer season during the 2011 Triennial, and in 2014 Dinah Roe-Kendall’s work was mounted throughout the Church during the month of August as a forerunner to the Triennial 2014.  Other artistic ventures are planned for the near future.

I enjoy singing/used to sing in a choir/would like to have a go – may I join the Church choir or even just try it for a while?
We would be pleased to meet you.  Click here for more information about the choir.

I have a safeguarding issue to do with the church, either with this parish or in general. Who should I talk to?

Diocesan contacts are listed here: https://www.canterburydiocese.org/safeguarding/

Please see our Safeguarding page for our Parish safeguarding policy and contacts.
Are You a Registered Charity?
Yes, our charity registration number is 1192616.
Do You Have a Mailing List?
Yes, please click here to sign up. We use MailChimp which is GDPR compliant.
Can I see your Parish Profile?
The new Parish Profile for 2024 can be viewed here: St Mary & St Eanswythe w St Saviour Profile
Where is the Church?

Church Street, Folkestone and Hythe, England, United Kingdom

Do you have a car park?
There are no parking spaces for visitors to the Church. The nearest roads, The Bayle and West Cliff Gardens, are in Controlled Parking Zones and are permit only from 8am to 6pm apart from loading and unloading, although there is sufficient space for Blue Badge holders to park without causing an obstruction. The nearest public car parks are at Payer’s Park, St Eanswythe’s Way, and Bouverie Place Shopping Centre. 

Where is the parish?
The boundaries of the parish are shown below: